Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Coming to bring Molly for a Hannukah visit

hannukah lights being lit on Mitzpe

Lori and girls bring Molly for a Hannukah visit

Milo taking care of his babies

Puppies are opening their eyes..

Molly with her dad. 

Molly with her sister Molly and her dad Milo. these pups are from Molly and Milos litter. Molly was Milly's sister

Aussiedoodles get their first Hannukah present

Coming to pick out my Pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Please share with us

This is me with my best friend Orrie with one of the pups.People are visiting this blogspot from all over the world. I would like to get to know all of you from Sweden to Austria to Russia, Poland, the Phillipines, France. I hope you will share pictures of you and your animals and any stories you choose to share with us. Tips about raising and training and feeding your animals. If you are unable to load directly to the blog please email me at Sincerely, Leah

Aussie s at play