Sunday, September 8, 2013

Update on Zusha

I haven't written in a while and it is hard for me to believe that Zusha are now 4 and a half months old. 
Zusha is really big and now I can say for a fact that she is much, much  bigger than both of her sisters - Emma and Winnie.
She is quite a sensitive dog and seems to need alot of attention which she usually gets because she is so cute and cuddly. 
Speaking of cuddly... the reason she is so cuddly in the middle of August (as opposed to her sisters who are neatly cut), is that she is resistant to most grooming activities. Taking a bath is a major project here involving two large humans getting in the bath with her to hold her and soap her up.  We end up wet and smelly and the ritual ends with a shower for everyone involved, a full load of laundry and a major cleaning of the bathroom.
Zusha is also not crazy about the car and we are trying to get her used to the car with shorter drives.  I would love to come and visit Mitzpe but until we can go the distance without throwing up her lunch, that will have to wait.
On a more positive note,  Zusha loves to socialize with other dogs,  although her favorite dog is definitely Winnie.  Watching the two of them play is really hysterical.   As you know we have a regular play date with Winne, Max and Mili every Shabbat morning at 645 in the yard of a neighborhood school and sometime we go to the children's park and the dogs go up and down the slides.  It is quite a sight. (An unexpected benefit from having a dog for me has been making new friends and Mychal, Michaela and I spend alot of time together.) 
The training is going well and we are having very few accidents now.  We will sit and lay down on comman.  Coming and Staying are harder especially when we are not in the house and the distractions are just too tempting.  I never realized how many dogs, cats and birds are in Rechavia and each one poses a potential challenge for Zusha.
The biggest surprise for me is how much my husband Jonathan has become attached to  Zusha.  At the beginning, he wasn't so interested but sees now how loving and sensitive she is. 
Both of my daughters have been in Africa.  Merav comes back next week after 3 months of being away.  I think she is going to be surprised to see Zusha.  Hopefully Merav will love her as much as we do; afterall it is her dog!
Hope all is well in Kelevland.  Laurie

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