Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dolly comes back for another visit

Milly and Milo

Dolly and Milo  get reacquainted

Dolly, Milly  and Maybelle get reacquainted

Visitng with our friends

Dolly has a great time with her sisters

Yonat and Shmuel trim Dolly


  1. The Roskinds purchased Dolly, the only merle in Molly's litter. But since then they have become good friends. We are excited when they come for a visit and sad when they leave....Dolly loves playing with her sisters and gets reintegrated into the pack for a few hours. And we have new friends that share a common interest.. We love having the kids and are really starting to get to know them..

  2. We love coming to visit! We all have such a great time every time, we're always looking forward to the next time we can come and play. Thanks for being such great people and breeding such wonderful doggies! :)

